Licensing Opportunities

Leighton Coleman is the sole contact for new licenses, permission, and authorizations to use the property.

Did you know in June of 2014, a 1910 Steiff Polar Bear from the collection of Chuck & Cathy Steffes was auctioned at James D. Julia

While we don’t know where the Chuck & Cathy Steffes’ bears will
wind up, the Spedden’s 1909 Steiff bear, Polar, The Titanic Bear
is still with his family and you can follow his post Titanic travels here on this website.

Introducing the new 2012 Polar, The Titanic Bear plush by Steiff

Previous plushes of Polar, The Titanic Bear by Steiff & F.A.O. Schwarz

Since 1994 Polar, The Titanic Bear has enjoyed five exclusive licensing programs, one with F.A.O. Schwarz (The first fat plush with round paper tag in the above photo) and the rest are with the legendary Steiff company. These licenses are in keeping with Dasiy Spedden’s original vision for her beloved international children's character.

The only authentic Polar, The Titanic Bear plushes & authorized licenses are those documented on this page.  All infringements will be legally pursued.

For further information & licensing opportunities, please feel free to contact:

Leighton H. Coleman III
Polar, The Titanic Bear Inc.
P.O. Box 403
St. James, New York 11780